It is important that we play with our kids, no matter how old they get. Those are the memories that they will remember when they are older. I want my kids to remember that their mom took time out of her day to spend it with them. So, we are starting something new this summer! A daily activity jar. We are making a list of things we can do together that are either free or mostly free, using things we already have around the house. Now I have a son and a daughter so I tried to find things that are gender neutral. And mine are almost 11 and 9, so you may need to think of things based on your kids ages. We will write our list on slips of paper and put in a jar, and each day they can pick one out to see what we will do that day. It doesn't have to be big major time consuming things. Simple sometimes is better. So the kids and I sat down and brainstormed together, and this is our list so far.....
1. Zoo (that is mostly free for us because we have a membership and need to use it)
2. Pink Palace Museum (again we have a free summer membership)
3. Go to the park (we will put that one in more than once, and go to a different park each time)
4. Go to the drive in (super cheap and you can take your own snacks!)
5. Bake cookies
6. Start a puzzle
7. Play a board game (this will go in there more than once, as we have a ton of games)
8. Make Glow in the dark bubbles (break a glow stick and pour it into the bubbles...haven't tried it yet)
9. Catch lightening bugs
10. Ride bikes on the bike trail
11. Play playdough
12. Set up the slip-n-slide
13. Go to Shelby Farms and check out the new playgrounds
14. Go hiking in Shelby Forest
15. Rent a movie and campout in the living room with smores
16. Wash car
17. Paint with watercolors
18. Make friendship bracelets and give to a friend
19. Play legos
20. Play balloon volleyball in the living room
21. Play soccer outside
22. Have a nerf gun war
23. Feed the ducks
24. Do a canvas painting
25. Make a fort (either inside or outside)
26. Watch silly animal videos on YouTube
27. Water balloon fight
28. Go out for ice cream
29. Paint rocks
30. Paint by number
31. Sand art
32. Make rice krispie treats
33. Make homemade popsicles
34. Alphabet or nature scavenger hunt
35. Toothpick and mini marshmallow art
36. Balloon tennis
37. Yarn maze in the hallway
38. Make homemade lava lamps
39. Make a bird feeder
40. Water gun/sprayer fight
41. Play frisbee or go to the frisbee golf course
42. Obstacle course in the backyard.
This is a work in progress, we will add as we think of them....feel free to add your ideas not already listed, we can always use more ideas!!
The kids are going to love doing this this summer, and we may even continue on through the school year but doing it weekly instead of daily....maybe a Sunday thing???
Go to this link if you live in Memphis to get your free summer membership to the Pink Palace Museum...